Another year, another bunch of flowers. And by no means are flowers bad, but you can do better. Things get taken for granted, petrol station flowers become a default. She complains to her girlfriends about the lack of thought you put into the fact she’s bringing up your little humans. Girlfriends tell her it’s not on. She starts to think they are right. You come home a day after the Mother’s Day and get a tirade of abuse, but you cannot puzzle why and what it is you’ve done wrong. You blame it on some shit like PMS. Things get swept under the carpet after a couple of days and life goes on. Mehness and vanilla days take over, and she’s fine now. Till next year.
Then the next year arrives, and history repeats itself. Except it could have been so different.
Unless you don’t believe she deserves the best, because she’s committed her life to making your children’s life a success, why not break the cycle and give her something she will truly cherish, appreciate and love? Something she will be telling her friends about, and make them all swoon. Something that will stay with you forever, and put a smile on your face when the days get meh and vanilla?
There are a few things every woman would love:
- Free time, attention, romance (this should be done all year long, not just for Mother’s Day).
- An epic, timeless, elegant handbag (unless you know the exact model, do not attempt this purchase).
- For her children to get to Oxford (there’s not much you can do about that, because you work late and she can stand only so many hours of homework).

- Health and happiness for her family (you can sort that out only partially, those take away Fridays don’t help and happiness can’t be bought if it’s not within us)
- A timeless image of the whole family together. This, my friend, you can totally nail.
There are a few more things we could add, but those are usually the top of the list. Don’t believe me? Ask her.
I cannot help you with the romance. Well, ok that’s a lie. We once had a lovely fella propose at the studio, and we help with that a bit. We certainly can’t help you with the attention and the handbag choice. I have heard that in USA you can get to Yale for $500,000 , but we certainly haven’t got that power.
We can however help you with capturing those memories for her.

I could totally call this an advert. Except I do something you genuinely need this year. If you could only see the radiance beaming out of mums faces when they find out they got a family session booked in by their husbands! Those genuine smiles they don’t have to fake after years of getting boxes of Lindt chocolates. Mommy & Me sessions are a great alternative, if you don’t want to join in the fun (yup, I understand you’d rather have your balls waxed than pose for an hour, but this my friend is part of your gift to her: your positive attitude).

Family photography sessions take part in our Killamarsh studio, take around 1.5h and give you a plethora of combinations and outfit changes, should you wish to add a bit more variety to your session. We have a wide variety of dresses for all ages, so all you have to do is dress the boys and yourself and you are good to go! Anything in timeless, subdued colours works great as our aim is to have all the focus on you. If you show up in a Nike t-shirt, you will stand in the corner. Grey, oatmeal, white, navy, beige, all great colours to wear for your family photoshoot.
Only have one baby? Feeling like a family session should include more people? Feel free to bring your parents, if you are still on talking terms. No grandparents, no problem. Family is not defined by numbers, but by love for each other. Don’t forget to bring the love x

Our Mommy & Me sessions are great if you genuinely want to give her a day focusing on her and the kids. We give you an option to have our award winning make up artist make her feel gorgeous with professionally applied make up (this is complimentary, you don’t pay extra for it, it can be added to the family session too, but if your lady doesn’t like anyone else doing her make up, that is fine too).

If your children are small, 1-5 years, we always advise for mum to arrive 45min earlier to have her make up done (and have a break from you lot), and then you can drop the kids off later, so that they are relaxed and full of beans.
Worried she’s not feeling confident in herself, that she will not enjoy being in front of the camera? Worried that your kids will be total shits and demolish the studio, wipe their nappies on the gear and pee in my flower pots? Please don’t. My level of patience is legendary. I created a human, too. She tested me beyond the wildest dreams, and I rarely raise my eyebrow at anything.
If however, your children are having a wild day, I will rebook you for another day and reshoots do not cost you extra, so please put your mind at ease.

You are in charge of your family’s memories. You build your children’s biography. Surround them with images of their happy childhood. They will grow up more confidently knowing you were proud to display those photos. You cared enough to have them taken.
Get it done. She is worth it. Your family is worth it. They deserve those memories more than you know.
If you want to have a chat about what we do and how we do it, drop us a line x

May 05, 2019
love these family pics Maggie!